
Friday, 25 November 2016

wet and wild top team

                                                         wet and wild top team!!!!!!!

Today the seniors did top team in between morning tea and lunch on the field. we do top team to have fun.

First we got sorted into groups, In my group was Alex, Jasmine, Julia and Nyesha. next we played a game before we did top team, the game was that their was a hunter and the hunter has to find the the other people so its kind of like tag but with hide n seek in it. After that we had morning tea and after that we started top team.

the first activity was called burst pipe and in burst pipe three people are at a pipe and the people have to cover holes in the pipe so when the person with the water tips the water in the top of the pipe the others have to stop the water leaking out of the pipe. after that we did a balance bucket thing and we had to balance the bucket on a pole and maneuver around obstacle there was gutter ball where you had a golf ball and you had to roll it through the pipes to get to a bucket and there was map hop which you have to build the map of nz. then there was house of cards where you have to build a big tower and the convener belt  where you have to get inside a tarp and walk forward to the cone and back and the last one was ski thing where there are two skis and you have to walk to the end and back

will add photo when is working as currently not working sorry

Friday, 18 November 2016

selling a stick

for the last week we have been working on trying to persuade someone to buy the stick.

Introduction Hook / questions
Have you been looking for that ultimate prank object?do you just want that perfect friend?do you want that extra pop of uniqueness in your home/workspace? Well seek no more because I present you…   A    stick

Introduce your stick  This is no ordinary stick this is a SUPER stick with 99% natural wood and 1% brain power It has feelings too. It know when it s about to snap because It will make crackling

Elaborate, explain or give evidence
Main Point
Paragraph 1
Real wood

  • This is not plastic

  • 100% straight off a tree
Main Point
Paragraph 2

It will stick with you
  • Will never leave you no matter what

  • It will not to leaf you behind because it dont have any  legs
Main Point
Paragraph 3

Help you
  • It could be a walking stick

  • Or maybe the stick could be used for blind people
So,consider buying this one of a kind stick because it could be the ultimate prank for christmas, it will stick with you and sometimes they can be very useful

Persuasive vocab

      A Fantas-stick friend

Have you been looking for that ultimate prank object? do you just want that perfect friend? do you want that extra pop of uniqueness in your home/workspace? Well seek no more because I present you…   A stick. This is no ordinary stick this is a SUPER stick with 99% natural wood and 1% brain power, it has feelings too. It lets you know when it needs water or food. It know when it´s about to snap because It will make a crackling sound. Those are only just some of the reasons.

Firstly, THIS IS NOT PLASTIC that's right it's totally wood and do you want to know how we make these sticks? Thats right we take old  branches  and we sand them down to the right size to sell to one LUCKY person. And do you want to know something else interesting? Well… these sticks are completely from trees. We don't make fakes we get them completely from trees like palm trees, fallen trees, unique trees and the list just goes on!

Secondly, It won't leave you behind. And what I mean by that is it will never leave you behind because it's not made to leaf you behind as they are especially built to stick with you. Also It just won't leaf you behind because it doesn't have LEGS because it doesn't come with body parts (body parts optional and could be purchased separately).

Lastly, it can help you in all ways for example it could be a walking stick for long bush walks or hiking. Or, it could be used for blind people that can't see, they can poke stuff  to see where they are going. It can be used as many other things but if I said all of it then it would take forever

In conclusion I believe that this unique, one of a kind stick is perfect for you, a friend or a family member so, what are you waiting for!? Get down to your local stick or nature store to get your special stick for all the right reasons!

healthy vs unhealthy

this is what a healthy lunch looks like compared to a healthy lunch

healthy lunch

today we made a healthy shopping list with a budget of $120 and I only spent $38

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

create a snowflake

today I created a snowflake using a website called create your own snowflake the link is here if you would like to make one yourself. this is one I made. i enjoyed doing this because i got to use my creativity to make this

symmetrical patterns

today we made symmetrical patterns. we used a website called make a symmetrical picture the link is if you would like to visit the site. I enjoyed making this because I got to make interesting patterns.


Friday, 11 November 2016

perswasive writing

for the last couple of weeks we have been dong lots of persuasive writing here is one of many of them

 school uniforms are everything

Are you fatigued from washing clothes over and over and OVER again? Because I Believe that it's important that we have uniforms because everybody is the same and nobody is different, It feels good to show that you’re part of a particular school
and you won't ruin your clothes.

Firstly,everyone is the same when they wear uniforms and what I mean by that nobody would look different If we all wear the same thing. Another thing is that If you were wearing a different style of clothes like for example a style from the 80S other kids would bully a child that is different.

Secondly a child would feel good to represent their school and by that I mean they would be proud to be part of the school they go to and also if a child is wearing normal clothes some people might think that the child is not going to a school and others might call the police and the caregiver could go to jail.

And lastly you won't ruin other clothes and I mean that if you wore normal clothes to school you might rip them or get them dirty and then your mum or dad will have to do lots of washing and the other reason is that you  Will have more choice of clothes to wear over holidays or weekends.


Friday, 21 October 2016

persuasive writing

we have been working on persuasive writing for the last two weeks step by step we learnt about it and then in the second week we started writing it and this is the final product

Collaborative Success Criteria
  • The correct structure of a persuasive text including an introduction, with a hook and your opinion, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion.
  • Persuasive vocabulary and phrases that convince people
  • The reasons why with supporting ideas
A purr-fect friend for Ms McLeod
No pun intended
Did you know that a cat has a smooth,soothing purr,so I think ms Mcleod should buy a cat because they are cute and cuddly,cheaper than a dog and if you own a cat you have a 40% less chance of dying of a heart attack

Firstly, I think ms Mcleod should buy a cat because they are soft and furry. Also they comfort you by rubbing their head on your leg. Also It can help you relax and sleep but the best thing is got to be their faces because they are so cute especially If their face looks angry It makes them look so cute.

Another reason is that a cat is more cheaper than a dog and what I mean by that is a cat needs less attention because it doesn't need lots of toys because a dog likes attention,For example when you leave your house a dog will start howling and barking but a cat will just be like eh whatever and wander around the house all day.

Finally I think ms Mcleod should get a cat because for some weird reason if you have never owned a cat before you have a 40% more chance of dying of a heart attack now… It may sound peculiar but a cat can ease the pain when you have a heart attack,also scientist have talked about the myth and is believed to be REAL.

In conclusion I think Miss Mcleod should get a cat, because the are amazing cuddly animals that need less attention and can lower the chance of dying of a heart attack. So stop what you are doing! And hit up your local pet store to get you Purr-fect purring friend so please consider buying one of these furry animals for only a few dollars.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

persuasive adopting from the pound

Today this week we are doing persuasive writing and this is the activity we did

Monday, 17 October 2016

I wonder about

this term we are learning about science. we got put our home rooms for science, so I was in Mrs raisins group and Mrs raisin was doing land forms and earth plates. We learnt about land changes,plates,earthquakes and more. Then we got told to come up with something that we wondered and i chose to do       how often do the tectonic plates collide

Friday, 23 September 2016

Calendar Art 2016

For the last two days we have been doing calendar art. We had to choose from 5 different art styles.  I chose to do art with Mrs McGuinniety. First we got a buddy and took a photo with a paint brush so it looks like we are painting the sky. So first we used coloured pencils to do our prototype and I did a UFO beaming up a gem and I liked it so I went to paint but I couldn't do the gem because I didn't have enough room to put it in.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Improving comments 2

today we improved a blog comments. so we chose a comment that wasn't effective and made it a better comment. this is the comment I chose and made effective

improving blog comments

today we improved a blog comment. so we chose a comment that wasn't effective and made it a better comment. this is the comment I chose and made effective

Monday, 5 September 2016

graph prefixes and suffixes

in phonics we are learning about prefixes and suffixes. most words in our language come from latin or greek origin. the word graph means write. we had to make a display showing what the words mean.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

maths capacity

yesterday we started on learning about capacity we have to make a milk label for the people of smati who use slosh 1.25l,plops 250ml and dribbles,50ml we are trading the milk for there special liquid that helps us with times table.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

digi awards 2016 BE THE CHANGE

for digi awards I have been working on my entry  for this years competition. the topic for the competition is be the change I have chosen to show this by making a short movie about how to stop bulling. please feel free to leave a comment  and feed back!

We are Natalia, Mason, Logan and Josiah. For Digi Awards we learned about Be the Change then chose a topic. We chose bullying and researched about bullying. We did movie making and had to do storyboard prototypes, write a script and learn how to use I movie. In I movie we learn’t how to piece videos together to make one movie. The hardest part was using different shots in our video. We took turns at recording and being in the video. We had to practice a lot. Our entry shows Be The Change because we gave ideas on how to stop bullying.                        

Friday, 19 August 2016

before and after

we have been learning how to use a blog rubric to make our blog posts better. we chose a blog post off of our blog and followed the rubric to make it a quality blog post I learned that not all of my blog posts can be the same. I enjoyed looking for ways to improve them

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

activity 3 day 3

     Poem about going to olympics

If I was at the Olympics i would be reporting about the things they do and how they get ready and train, I would love to look at all different types of sports. I could and i would describe what they are doing it would be the best Report Ever.

activity 2 day 3


Archery is a sport, practice or skill of using a bow to propel arrows. The word comes from latin arcus. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat.

activity 1 day 3

Activity 1: learning sport
                                     What is this:
                              In this activity I pick a sport
                              That I have never heard of
                              And write about it.

Taekwondo is about the way of feet and hands. It was developed in the 1940 and 1950 by various martial art elements.
                       AIM OF THE GAME
The aim of taekwondo is to land as many kicks and blows as you can on your opponent in the allowed target areas.
                               RULE 1
Taekwondo contests have 3 rounds that last 2 minutes with 1 minute breaks in between
                               RULE 2
Blows to the body must be with the front of the index and middle finger knuckles of a tightly clenched fist if they are to be awarded points. Fighters are not allowed to punch to the head.


Thursday, 12 May 2016

news report

12.5 hits Christchurch!Other resolutions: 320 × 213       

The earthquake struck on a Sunday morning At 8 o'clock
It was a unknown and sudden shake that no human has ever experienced before.Residents say that it was very violent shake as building fell around them.some say that they heard screaming from inside buildings.2000 were found injured and 300 found dead now we will be talking to south hornby school kids about this.9yr old Josiah Taylor said that it was really sudden and scary.Next we will be talking to Logan nunan about this devastation.¨I heard loud noises around me and one kid was crying. From now on this day will not exist. Signing out Greg heffley

Friday, 6 May 2016

holiday recount

Monday 2 may
Holiday recount

-on Monday Logan came to my house
-we  played mini golf
-we went to time zone
-i won

In the holidays Logan came over on Monday. He came over at 10 o'clock first my dad made some pizza before we left to go to timezone. When we finished delicious  the pizza we got in the car. When we got on the road it wasn't as busy like it always is. When we were nearly there we saw red and blue flashing lights in front of us at a  junction.

There was a car crash so we had to take a detour round the junction. So we drove down a street and at the end of the street  we turned left and then turned right. After turning a lot we arrived yay!!. when we walked inside there was a lot of peoples as always. We walked to the counter to put the money on the card.

The first game I played was a claw machine. it had 100 ticket boxes in it and there was one box that was in a good position to pick up so I swiped my card and lined it up to pick up the box.But when I pressed the button to pick it up it went down halfway and closed. After that we went to the counter to chew up the worker  why the machine did not work. when the conversation between dad and the worker so the worker gave me a free game but when I tried it again it did the same thing so we avoided that machine. The next game I played was the same game but it's the upstairs version and I got a 100 ticket box from it.

After that Logan went and hit the jackpot in lollies. When he hit the jackpot i saw a sour tongue drop on the push bar so I said that if he could get the sour tongue drop I would give him the 100 tickets. Out of nowhere he got the tongue drop so I gave him the box then I played a car racing game.The car I choose was a Nissan Silvia s13 in the custom version and I came first. After that we went to McDonald. Once we finished we went home and Logan got picked up.


Saturday, 16 April 2016

Star Explosion Writing


For the last few weeks we have been doing learning how to write paragraphs in our writing and making them more descriptive.

Star Explosion

When a star is going to explode it means it's the end of the star's life. Then it begins its process of the explosion. It happens in four parts.

At first it doesn't look like a explosion but inside is a boiling fuse ready to explode. It swaps color between yellow,orange and red that means that it’s ready to explode. I think that it does this so that more stars can fit in and shine bright. This makes me wonder. what aliens think they are?

Then  the red starts to fade away and then the orange gets darker. then the flame starts to bubble outside of the circle. that means that inside the star it is expanding and trying to push out. And then all of a sudden yellow blobs of fire emerge from the star. This makes me wonder,What does a star explosion look like from earth?

The yellow spots turn into a blue flame. Wow!!! a big flash just like a camera.This  means it's blowing up. When the flash goes away the star is now and blue that is the hottest flame. this makes me wonder how long do stars live?

Now the star is blue that means it is very hot!. and then all of a sudden the blue star starts to expand and get bigger. it has 3 colors they are,a dark blue,a neon blue and a whitish color. The star is as bright as the night sky. This makes me wonder how hot is it?.

Friday, 15 April 2016


we have written our names and made them bigger.Its called enlargement

be there

we are learning about the value be there. ant that means that to be there in the moment and stay focus

Saturday, 9 April 2016

acrostic poem

Really long
Only 23 different kinds
Can be as long as 7 meters
Only live in the wild+aquarium
In the wild
Larger crocs eat birds
In Assie
Attack prey from water

Thursday, 7 April 2016

day of a green turtle

Day of a green turtle
When I woke up I saw a bunch of people as usual as I live on a beach.When I start to walk around and some adults came to me and they were all like WOW look at that green turtle so I showed of my sweet moves!.After That I got bored so I wandered off somewhere down the beach I saw a fellow green turtle and it was my friend Logan and I shouted out HEY!!! Logan wanna chomp on some seaweed and he said yes.So we swam out to sea and dived under water and we found seaweed so we ate it untill a  shark came so we swam as fast as we could and we eventuly out landed him by going on land.By the time we came up it was night time so I said goodbye and I found my tribe and slept
The end

chocolate writing

We are learning to
put passion into our writing and make it more exciting to read.

Attempt 1:WOW im so exited to eat the brown taste budes are watering with exitment I stare at the brown cube.I pick it and I cant resist but to just take a bite.I feel the creamy explostion in my mouth it ambushes my taste buds,It explodes my mouth with brown goodness!!!!
Attempt 2:oh my word i'm so excited to eat the brown topless pyramid!.it called out to me.Josiah eat me eat me!!!.I bugged my arm but I stopped myself so I Just took a sniff but my mouth just couldn't resist so pretended to drop it in my mouth.
Attempt 3: There is a brown creamy box in front of me.I think to myself Eat it EAT!! I replied My mind is going afk.I start to sweat intensely WHAT DO I DO!.  it starts to melt now I really don't know what to do.I can't hold myself anymore I just had to take a bite. when I do I feel a cweamy thick flow going thru my mouth
Attempt 4:
There is a brown soupy box in front of me.I think to myself What do I it ti it looks lo.My mind is going afk.I start to sweat intensely WHAT DO I DO!.  it starts to melt now I really don't know what to do.I can't hold myself anymore I just had to take a bite.When I did I felt an explosion of creamy sensation.
Attempt 5:
Oh my god this brown sensational piece of art is right in front of me. It looks pretty tasty I wonder If I could get away with biting it. But my rumbling tummy said WAIT!!!. I got furious at my tummy because I really wanted to bite the piece of artwork as it looked so delicious and tasty. A sweet smell invaded nostrils. I knew I just had to take a bite. When I did It was as though my taste buds had been ambushed by the creaminess on my gums as it slushed around in my mouth.