
Friday, 25 November 2016

wet and wild top team

                                                         wet and wild top team!!!!!!!

Today the seniors did top team in between morning tea and lunch on the field. we do top team to have fun.

First we got sorted into groups, In my group was Alex, Jasmine, Julia and Nyesha. next we played a game before we did top team, the game was that their was a hunter and the hunter has to find the the other people so its kind of like tag but with hide n seek in it. After that we had morning tea and after that we started top team.

the first activity was called burst pipe and in burst pipe three people are at a pipe and the people have to cover holes in the pipe so when the person with the water tips the water in the top of the pipe the others have to stop the water leaking out of the pipe. after that we did a balance bucket thing and we had to balance the bucket on a pole and maneuver around obstacle there was gutter ball where you had a golf ball and you had to roll it through the pipes to get to a bucket and there was map hop which you have to build the map of nz. then there was house of cards where you have to build a big tower and the convener belt  where you have to get inside a tarp and walk forward to the cone and back and the last one was ski thing where there are two skis and you have to walk to the end and back

will add photo when is working as currently not working sorry

Friday, 18 November 2016

selling a stick

for the last week we have been working on trying to persuade someone to buy the stick.

Introduction Hook / questions
Have you been looking for that ultimate prank object?do you just want that perfect friend?do you want that extra pop of uniqueness in your home/workspace? Well seek no more because I present you…   A    stick

Introduce your stick  This is no ordinary stick this is a SUPER stick with 99% natural wood and 1% brain power It has feelings too. It know when it s about to snap because It will make crackling

Elaborate, explain or give evidence
Main Point
Paragraph 1
Real wood

  • This is not plastic

  • 100% straight off a tree
Main Point
Paragraph 2

It will stick with you
  • Will never leave you no matter what

  • It will not to leaf you behind because it dont have any  legs
Main Point
Paragraph 3

Help you
  • It could be a walking stick

  • Or maybe the stick could be used for blind people
So,consider buying this one of a kind stick because it could be the ultimate prank for christmas, it will stick with you and sometimes they can be very useful

Persuasive vocab

      A Fantas-stick friend

Have you been looking for that ultimate prank object? do you just want that perfect friend? do you want that extra pop of uniqueness in your home/workspace? Well seek no more because I present you…   A stick. This is no ordinary stick this is a SUPER stick with 99% natural wood and 1% brain power, it has feelings too. It lets you know when it needs water or food. It know when it´s about to snap because It will make a crackling sound. Those are only just some of the reasons.

Firstly, THIS IS NOT PLASTIC that's right it's totally wood and do you want to know how we make these sticks? Thats right we take old  branches  and we sand them down to the right size to sell to one LUCKY person. And do you want to know something else interesting? Well… these sticks are completely from trees. We don't make fakes we get them completely from trees like palm trees, fallen trees, unique trees and the list just goes on!

Secondly, It won't leave you behind. And what I mean by that is it will never leave you behind because it's not made to leaf you behind as they are especially built to stick with you. Also It just won't leaf you behind because it doesn't have LEGS because it doesn't come with body parts (body parts optional and could be purchased separately).

Lastly, it can help you in all ways for example it could be a walking stick for long bush walks or hiking. Or, it could be used for blind people that can't see, they can poke stuff  to see where they are going. It can be used as many other things but if I said all of it then it would take forever

In conclusion I believe that this unique, one of a kind stick is perfect for you, a friend or a family member so, what are you waiting for!? Get down to your local stick or nature store to get your special stick for all the right reasons!

healthy vs unhealthy

this is what a healthy lunch looks like compared to a healthy lunch

healthy lunch

today we made a healthy shopping list with a budget of $120 and I only spent $38

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

create a snowflake

today I created a snowflake using a website called create your own snowflake the link is here if you would like to make one yourself. this is one I made. i enjoyed doing this because i got to use my creativity to make this

symmetrical patterns

today we made symmetrical patterns. we used a website called make a symmetrical picture the link is if you would like to visit the site. I enjoyed making this because I got to make interesting patterns.


Friday, 11 November 2016

perswasive writing

for the last couple of weeks we have been dong lots of persuasive writing here is one of many of them

 school uniforms are everything

Are you fatigued from washing clothes over and over and OVER again? Because I Believe that it's important that we have uniforms because everybody is the same and nobody is different, It feels good to show that you’re part of a particular school
and you won't ruin your clothes.

Firstly,everyone is the same when they wear uniforms and what I mean by that nobody would look different If we all wear the same thing. Another thing is that If you were wearing a different style of clothes like for example a style from the 80S other kids would bully a child that is different.

Secondly a child would feel good to represent their school and by that I mean they would be proud to be part of the school they go to and also if a child is wearing normal clothes some people might think that the child is not going to a school and others might call the police and the caregiver could go to jail.

And lastly you won't ruin other clothes and I mean that if you wore normal clothes to school you might rip them or get them dirty and then your mum or dad will have to do lots of washing and the other reason is that you  Will have more choice of clothes to wear over holidays or weekends.