today we made origami reindeer with a couple of squares, diamonds and triangles. First the teachers handed us a sheet of paper with squares triangles and diamonds on it and a picture of what it is supposed to look like here is mine
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Christmas round the world
We have been learning about how other people celebrate Christmas around the world. Today I learned how so many make so many ways to celebrate Christmas. Some of the ways to say "happy christmas"
are quite easy like Sweden (God yul) but some are extremely hard like Hungarian
(kellemes karacsonyi unncpeker)
Monday, 4 December 2017
mountains mountains mountains!
today im about to read a story about sacred mountains here are three questions that i would like answers
1.what is so special about them?
2. how tall are they?
3.what are the mountains called?
after reading the story I found out the names Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and tongariro, I also learned that the mountains were once warriors and gods who fought for a woman called pihanga which is also what makes them so special.
Battle of the mountains:
It was also similar because they both talked about mountains that were warriors who fought hard to win love but battle of the mountains had more ajectives than the first story, sacred mountains
3 things I learned
1.the mountains were once gods and warriors
2.mountains have feelings
3. that mountains actually have genders
4. mountains can move
5. one of the mountains peaks got cut off in battle
my questions:
why did the mountains fight they could have made an agreement?
how much damage did the war make?
why couldn't they all just find other mountain partners?
The MT tongariro eruption
On August 6 MT tongariro erupted after 100 years. There was also a feild trip on the day it erupted there were 90 kids six parents and four teachers. the eruption lasted five minutes
1.what is so special about them?
2. how tall are they?
3.what are the mountains called?
after reading the story I found out the names Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and tongariro, I also learned that the mountains were once warriors and gods who fought for a woman called pihanga which is also what makes them so special.
Battle of the mountains:
It was also similar because they both talked about mountains that were warriors who fought hard to win love but battle of the mountains had more ajectives than the first story, sacred mountains
3 things I learned
1.the mountains were once gods and warriors
2.mountains have feelings
3. that mountains actually have genders
4. mountains can move
5. one of the mountains peaks got cut off in battle
my questions:
why did the mountains fight they could have made an agreement?
how much damage did the war make?
why couldn't they all just find other mountain partners?
The MT tongariro eruption
On August 6 MT tongariro erupted after 100 years. There was also a feild trip on the day it erupted there were 90 kids six parents and four teachers. the eruption lasted five minutes
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Today we played around with google forms to make a pick a path story. first we created a new form then we inserted an image and wrote a short story for our pick a path. After that we wrote down the options on what path to choose. then we created what the ending was and what the best ending was then we posted it on our blog
Friday, 24 November 2017
Alarm call
For this week we wrote about a picture of a green goblin thing and a cute white cat. First the teachers gathered us together to brainstorm some good describing words for the goblin and the cat. Then we wrote a hook for our story and we also write a paragraph. and lastly we wrote the other paragraph. here is my writing
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Minecraft skin
Today we played around with google sheets and created mine craft skins! I wasn't here at school when we did this but i'll try So mr maddren told us that google sheets can help with hard times table and impossible maths sums. Then he showed us that we could make mine craft skins if we make the squares smaller then he told us to search up a skin and try and make them. here is mine craft skin
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Today we were told to make a blog post about robotics. If you dont know what robotics is its a LEGO thing with a brain and you need a computer to run it. Mrs Mcguinnety had a challenge board set up with 3 challenges 1: a straight course with tape to mark where your robot must stop Then challenge no.2 a straight then a turn right then left and straight then the hardest a small straight with a right turn
then left another straight then left and right then straight to the finish. The most challenging thing was the last one and the easiest one was the straight foward one. Here are some photos.
then left another straight then left and right then straight to the finish. The most challenging thing was the last one and the easiest one was the straight foward one. Here are some photos.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Te Manu Tukutuku poem
Today we wrote a feelings/senses poem about our new school. It had to be four sentences long and involved feel, hear, see smell, touch and overall feelings. First we started by brainstorming all of the feeling words as a group. Then we were set off to start our poem. Here is what I wrote.
17/10/17 Tuesday
Te Manu Tukutuku poem
Hear, see, smell, touch
I feel speechless at how big the new school is.
I hear the sound of children getting excited over the new school.
I see new and updated furniture as I walk in.
I smell that new building smell.
I touch the soft carpet like walls as if they were sheep.
Overall I am overwhelmed at how the new school is so different.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
#Day 7 (Last day) New Zealand road trip
Today we did the last day of the New Zealand road trip, we went to taupo and rotorua. First we went to a lake that was poluted with rubbish. our activity was to use our imagination to make up three ways to clean up rubbish. then we went to a spa pool that was heated by the earth. the activity was to write about something that you find relaxing. Then we had the BONUS were we had to reflect on our past journey. Here is the last of #day 7 New Zealand road trip.
A couple of mouths ago we have been learning about Anzac and why we remember The people who risk their lives for our freedom and our way of life.
We read stories like Silas the stretcher bearer,das piano,the Maori battalion and more.
We had a special visitor named Mavis who came in to the class room and talked about the war she talked about the soldiers penny. also known as the death plaque We watched some videos about the ottoman army or now called turkey and we watched about 5 videos.
some of the activity's are making a poppy and making a poppy mural,making ww1 dog tag,Anzac button necklace and a Anzac dawn parade timeline
We read stories like Silas the stretcher bearer,das piano,the Maori battalion and more.
We had a special visitor named Mavis who came in to the class room and talked about the war she talked about the soldiers penny. also known as the death plaque We watched some videos about the ottoman army or now called turkey and we watched about 5 videos.
some of the activity's are making a poppy and making a poppy mural,making ww1 dog tag,Anzac button necklace and a Anzac dawn parade timeline
That was summer poem
Doodiling on
I have been learning to draw on an app called I made different shapes and colors.
Today we doodled on and I made a Kiwi. First I put in a massive circle and copied it so i could use another circle as the head then I put in a moon and stretched it out to make it look like a beak. Then lastly I made feet with squares and different colors. Here is my Kiwi
Today we doodled on and I made a Kiwi. First I put in a massive circle and copied it so i could use another circle as the head then I put in a moon and stretched it out to make it look like a beak. Then lastly I made feet with squares and different colors. Here is my Kiwi
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
For this term we have been learning about coding on scratch. scratch is a website were people can make things like mazes and songs. First we had to make the characters move with codes heres a link to scratch if you want to try. The most challenging part was trying to make my live counter go down. Then the easiest part was making the character Heres a slide show with a link to scratch
#Day 6 New Zealand road trip
Today in literacy we did our sixth part of the New Zealand road trip. We went to shag point, visited the Matariki festival and listed 3 Hakas from meh to best. First we visited shag point and write a poem about what it would be like being one of the first people to arrive on New Zealand. Next we visited the Matariki Festival and chose three thing that I would want to take part in and about it. then we had the BONUS, we had to list three Hakas from meh to best here is #day 5
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
#Day 5 New Zealand road trip
In this activity we got lost in a forest, we researched about famous New Zealand people and deciding to do the Otago central rail trail. In the first activity we went to a forest and I spotted an interesting tree but when I turned around and my group was gone we had to write about what happened next. then we had to write about a famous new Zealander and two facts about them. Then we had the BONUS activity were we had to decide whether or not we do the Otago central rail trail and why. Here is day 5
Friday, 22 September 2017
#Day 4 New Zealand road trip
Today we did our fourth New Zealand road trip this time we went to Nelson to help beached whales, watch a movie and explain why we should ban fishermen from fishing at farewell split. First activity we had to write some reasons on how locals helped beached whales to live. Then we had activity two that didnt work as we couldnt watch the videos. Then theres the BONUS activity were we had to explain why we should stop fishermen fishing in the farewell split as every year Hector dolphins get caught in fishermen nets. Here is my #day 4 of New Zealand road trip.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
#Day three New Zealand road trip
Today in literacy we had out third Day of the New Zealand road trip. This time we visited the Otorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park for our first activity. the activity was to adopt an endangered critter as it was called and explain why I chose a Morepork. Then for activity two we went to Napier and found a tree that was damaged by a possum, we had to decide if we should kill all pest and why or not kill all pests and why, I chose not to kill the pests. Then we had a BONUS activity. In this we had to draw a picture of a moa or a part of it and then post it on a website called wild eyes but we had to sign in so we were told to post it on our blog. Here is #Day Three
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
New Zealand Road trip #Day 2
Today at literacy We did day 2 of our New Zealand we went to Dargaville To explore the beaches and interview a person and interview a friend. Our first activity was, out of three places to choose which one was the best and why, Then if we had the chance to meet Laura Dekker, to write 5 questions that you would ask her. then the BONUS activity where we had to interview a friend on their favorite things. I interviewed Jasmine
Monday, 18 September 2017
SHS New zealand road trip #Day 1
WALT- completing the learning journey and learning about New zealand
Today all of the literacy classes got told that their is a competition. This competition is about who can get the most points from the activitys. The first and second activity is worth 2 points each and the bonus is worth 8 points. We had the whole of literacy time to complete it and the deadline is 4.30 in the afternoon here Is Day 1.
Today all of the literacy classes got told that their is a competition. This competition is about who can get the most points from the activitys. The first and second activity is worth 2 points each and the bonus is worth 8 points. We had the whole of literacy time to complete it and the deadline is 4.30 in the afternoon here Is Day 1.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Calendar art
In this past week we have been making our calendar art. We had a choice between a Koru, a grid with hearts in each grid or a city scape with a grid and different shades of a colour and that's what I chose. So first I planned a grid. Then we drew a grid or the proper bit of paper and painted in the grids here is mine
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Do,s and dont,s of nettiquitte
Last week we were learning about "nettiquitte" First we watched a video about how to be safe online.
Then we had to do a video to get key notes about the video. Then we had to Put the key notes into a do and don't of online thing here is what I made.
Here is the video we were told to watch
Last week we improved on our dos and donts of etiquette. we were told to add because to the dos and donts of why you shouldn't do or dont do it here it is
.be careful what you say online
.some people lose control
.some people also try to start flame wars
.flame wars
.treat other peps the way you want 2 be treated
.dont write all caps
.humor isnt obvious on the internet
.re read before you send it
.ask for permission
.internet is NOT a private place
Please give feedback would love it same with comments :)
Here is the video we were told to watch
Last week we improved on our dos and donts of etiquette. we were told to add because to the dos and donts of why you shouldn't do or dont do it here it is
.some people lose control
.some people also try to start flame wars
.flame wars
.treat other peps the way you want 2 be treated
.dont write all caps
.humor isnt obvious on the internet
.re read before you send it
.ask for permission
.internet is NOT a private place
Please give feedback would love it same with comments :)
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Logo designs
For the last week we have been learning about logos. First we talked about what a logo is, Then we started planning on what we like. For me I like orange, Xbox and scootering so that is what I wrote in my book. then we prototyped our designs I made a scooter wheel that was orange, had an Xbox logo on it and my name. Here is what I made
Friday, 1 September 2017
Making a complex sentence
Today at literacy we learned about complex sentences. A complex sentence is two simple sentences joined together to make a bigger one but their is a thing called a conjunction that joined the two sentences together to make it a complex sentence. But you also need two verbs (doing word) in the two sentences here is the photo that I used for my complex sentences.
Monday, 21 August 2017
ice block pie grap
last week someone set up a make their day stand. you can get an ice block but not with money you paid with an act of kindness we counted what ice blocks others got next week we had them counted up 9 people choose a green ice block (including me) 5 people choose a pink ice block and 5 people choose a white ice block then we put it in a pie graph here is mine
Thursday, 17 August 2017
A gift of kindness
For digi Awards a group set up a "make their day" shop. I could buy an ice block and instead of paying with money I paid with a kind act to make someones day I chose complement somebody to pay for my ice block.
Comment like a savage
We are learning to identify a quality blog comment
these are my top tips for blog commenting
Monday, 31 July 2017
Recount writing
Last week For writing I wrote a Recount about my holiday. we were told to write a recount about our holiday but put in elaboration to our writing. First before we started writing we had to plan our writing. I wrote my story about Xbox and need for speed (bad idea) because i had to elaborate on so many things but I finished elaborating on what a Lamborghini is and what happens in a drag race.
(please beware some of my story might not make sense but please comment and give feedback so I can fix my writing :)
(please beware some of my story might not make sense but please comment and give feedback so I can fix my writing :)
BROOM BROOM is all I heard from the Tv as I drove really fast on a Saturday. During the Holidays me, Logan and Sam Played Need for speed for fun, to race each other and catch up with each other.
On Saturday I logged onto my Xbox one. As soon as I logged in Sam T invited me to a party. After that he invited Logan N to the party, once we were all in the party we all went on need for speed. As soon as we got on Logan and Sam joined my game and then we drove to a drag race to grind money. To grind money you repetitively do a race. What seemed like FOUR hours was actually finally over because once we finished grinding Logan had 176,000$ in game and I had 160,000$ so Logan bought a Lamborghini huracan. his car is a dark grape purple that looked really nice. I bought a Lamborghini murcielago. My car is yellow with an Enjuku racing sticker on the top of the window with a sticker that says “BYE!” on the back because it's fast. The only things I got on my Lamborghini was a spoiler and the rims.
Once I was finished personalizing my car I left the garage and then we looked at each others cars. Logan had gone with a dark purple, my car was yellow/orange and Sam's car was black. Then we had to grind some more money to max upgrade our cars so once I had maxed my car out it had 1,100HP (horse power) And a top speed of 225 Miles per hour. Then I decided to vs Sam in a drag race.
In the drag race the game makes you do a burnout with a tyre heat meter to show how much your tyres are heated. Once the time has finished counting down the game tells you to keep perfect rpm but if you don't your tyres will spin a lot on the launch.
The car has A pointy nose with vent holes carved into the front. The rear of the car has a carbon strip in between the lights and the lower part of the car is black with more vents for cooling the engine
I thought that my car was going to be faster but I was wrong because his lamborghini aventador beat me in the drag race but I knew I was faster and more skilled than Logan. After that I built a MONSTROUS toyota supra with 1000HP. The car is faster than the lamborghini murcilago (murcielago) which is crazy because A lamborghini is a sleek, fast power house and the supra… is just a generic car but it's the engine that stands out. Once I was finished maxing the car out the final hp rating was 1097hp. Then I added the final touch… the paint I put on a bounch (Bunch) of different languages words that mean good bye because the car was going to be fast. then I started to play forza horizon 3. Forza horizon 3 is a game for car guys.
Once the game finished loading I realized that a youtuber with 600 subscribers was online so I asked him to invite me to his game and then I joined, He and a bunch of
other people were playing around at the airport/dragstrip Because he doesn't do drifting or circuit racing so I had to build a drag car to compete with all the other people but I couldn't keep up because i don't tune drag cars I tune drift cars. After that I went onto online adventure. Online adventure is a series of four races. The goal in the four races is to get the most experience points to win the championship and get an amount of cash. When I joined the game makes you choose a car depending on the class that everyone has voted on. Once I got in I saw that everyone had voted D class which is the class for SLOW cars but… I thought I had a plan but my plan failed because I thought that taking a 400hp 1940 woody wagon with stock tires and three gears would have an unfair advantage but I had the disadvantage.
Friday, 7 July 2017
Multiplication doubling and halving
In Maths I have been learning Doubling and halving To solve multiplication problems Using this strategy You must take any multiplication question that your stuck on. For example 16X3, So I half 16 and double 3 so that would be 8X6 and the answer to 8X6 is 48 so that must be the answer to 16X3. WALT I am learning to make multiplication Problems easier by using Doubling and halving.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Weather art
This term we have been learning about weather. In art I created a stormy night picture with lightning. First I started with my lightning we couldn't make it thick or strait and it was hard because I had to press so lightly that the brush would only skim across the page. Then I did the black cloud so all we did was dab the page with black so there was like a big black sun. Lastly I did the glue on the silhouette and we stuck it on the paper to the bottom of the page. Here is my finished product
Monday, 3 July 2017
tessellation pattern
for the last week we have been learning about symmetry First we did rotational symmetry then we did tessellation which is this. first we started by learning what tessellation symmetry was and then we did this . We were told to make something to show what tessellation is. Here is what I made
Friday, 30 June 2017
division and multiplication DLO
In maths I have been learning multiplication strategies. I have learnt to solve multiplication problems using five times table. When you are stuck on a maths question do this. For example if I am stuck on 8X6 I would split the six into a five so 8X5=40 then you do 8X1 and that equals 8 so if you put 40 and 8 together it makes 48 so that means 8X6=48 because if you add the 1 to the 5 it makes 6. We also learned about division and how to solve them. For example 56 Divided by 7. So what you do is you split 56 into two numbers 35 and 21 then you put in what times table you used to get those two number so for 35 I used 5 times and for 21 I used 3 times so if you add 5 and 3 it equals 8 so 56 divided by 7=8
here is my work to explain this strategy.
here is my work to explain this strategy.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Rotational symmetry
For the past two weeks we have been learning about rotational symmetry. rotational symmetry is when a object For example a fidget spinner has three parts when you spin it its always going to be the same so we were told to make shapes that had rotational symmetry (a fidget spinner) This is my work
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Antarctica descripton
For literacy we have been learning about Antarctica. We were told to write about Antarctica so we had to find facts about Antarctica. We started learning about Antarctica when we went on a trip to the Antarctic center to learn about explorers the weather and the animals that live in Antarctica. Then we were asked to choose a topic between Animals, explorers and weather and climate. Once we had chosen our topic we were told to write a story about Antarctica before we start on our topic. Here is my writing
1of 7 contenents, desert
Cold 25% bigger than europe
2x the size of australia,
covered by snow has land underneath,
has 90% of worlds snow .
2500 meters (2.5 km) deep snow.
hard to live.
coldest place on earth.
Surrounded by water.
The south pole can be found there.
Doubles the size because of sea ice
White desert
I think that antarctica is a place that you should visit some day
Crisp,white and unwelcoming. Antarctica is considered a desert because it has no rain. It is also 1 of the 7 continents in the world.
Antarctica is 2 times the size of Australia and 25% bigger than Europe. It has some amazing landscape that will blow you away for example massive glaciers and crazy ice platforms that overhang the a white cloudland. Antarctica has an active volcano named Mount erebus, mount erebus first Formed in 1908 and the last eruption was in 2011. Mount erebus also had a plane crash in 1979. A DC-10 with 257 people on board crashed at mount erebus and killed all people on board. Antarctica has 90% of world snow which if you think about is really fascinating because that means that the rest of the world only has 10 percent of the world's fresh water. Antarctica also has 70% of the world's fresh water so If you melted the whole of antarctica the world would have more fre
growth mindset vs fixed mindset
During power time we have been learning about growth mindset. We watched a short video about Luke sky walker and Yoda lifting an x-wing out of the lake. Luke had a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is when a person does not believe and doesn't think they can do new challenges and will avoid new challenges. Yoda taught him how to have a Growth mindset. A growth mindset is a person who is ready to take on any challenge that is given to them. We talked what we could say to ourselves to change from a Fixed mindset to a growth mindset. There is my DLO.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
crayon dye weather art
this week we have been doing weather in literacy. since we were doing weather in literacy we were told to make some rainy day art we were shown a preview of what they expected ours to look like so we started to make ours with white crayon. we drew rain and puddles next we dyed our paper with a variety of blue, light blue and black. here is my piece of art.
Emperor penguin art
This week we have been making paintings our first one was the emperor penguin. we first started learning about Antarctic things when we took a trip to the antarctic center where we learned about Animals, the weather/climate and the explorers/history. then we were asked what topic we wanted to do and i choose animals. then a few days later we were told to make an emperor penguin. They showed us a preview of what the expect then we started first we started by drawing it then the black pant, then orange then yellow then white
Thursday, 15 June 2017
screencastify place value maths
this week we have been learning about how to use place value to figure out a maths question. we were toldto make a screencastify and this is mine.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Antarctica emperor penguin writing
this week we have been writing about Antarctic animals. we first started learning about Antarctica when we went to the antarctic center to learn about the history and what happened at Antarctica. we went around most of the place looking at facts about animals, explorers and the weather. my favorite part was the snow room.
Emperor penguin
Biggest penguin, weights 30kg/66lbs height-115cm/3.8ft, breeding season April, December, Emperors breed in the depths of winter, 595,000 Emperors in world, eats Fish krill and squid predators leopard seals and killer whales, Emperors can age to 20yrs old,
Big white, yellow
I think that the emperor penguin is cute because of it's size. It makes it look so soft and cuddly
Emperor penguin
Emperors penguins live in Antarctica. they are a bird.
Emperors can grow up to 20 years old which is really crazy. Emperors have white belly's with a little bit of yellow/orange fur on the top with black all around. Emperors weigh 30kg/66lbs. they are 115cm tall/3.8ft that makes the Emperor the tallest penguin alive.
Emperors breed in the middle of winter. they must keep their babies warm other wise they will die. they would be too cold to survive and to young because they would not know any survival skills.
Emperors eat fish, krill and squid. The baby penguins feed on krill and squid. The population of Emperors are roughly around 595,000 emperors in the world.
Personally Emperor penguins are my favorite because they are unique and cool because of their height and their size compared to a human.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
our audience
We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.
Friday, 5 May 2017
yellow crazy life cycle
For the last couple of days we have been learning about yellow crazy ants. we had to make a life cycle of the Yellow crays and This is mine
School hiding spot
For the last week we have been writing about SHS hiding spots. In this task we had to plan of what our hiding looked like and then we took a photo of what our hiding spots looked like this is my writing. In the photo I am behind the container door

I was standing on the hinges when a portal appeared on the door, So I jumped in and Cobi followed. Now we were somewhere completely different to where we were Because we were in cuba and there were these two cars racing one was black and one was matte grey and the grey car had most of it's car parts missing. then we were teleported to somewhere else but this time Cobi was stuck in Cuba so I was alone in this military base with all of these weird things like grenade shape things, so i took them all and then I teleported back to the hiding spot. I ran to the field with all the angry mexicans and threw the device It blew up and a group of mexicans but then they magically disappeared into
One fine day at school with kids playing ball tag and all of that and then all of a sudden a mysterious plane came out of nowhere With a big T on it, Cobi and I were confused but then we saw Lots of mexicans fell out of the plane and then we saw a orange figure hanging out of the plane. Cobi heard the orange figure say “haha mexicans I have put sleeping pills in your food NOW YOU ARE OUT OF AMERICA” and then he said Make america great again!. Me and Cobi were Confused but when I looked at the pile of mexicans they all had GUNS so me and Cobi ran to A place that I Know of by the middles syndicate. Once we were there I climbed onto the container door.
I was standing on the hinges when a portal appeared on the door, So I jumped in and Cobi followed. Now we were somewhere completely different to where we were Because we were in cuba and there were these two cars racing one was black and one was matte grey and the grey car had most of it's car parts missing. then we were teleported to somewhere else but this time Cobi was stuck in Cuba so I was alone in this military base with all of these weird things like grenade shape things, so i took them all and then I teleported back to the hiding spot. I ran to the field with all the angry mexicans and threw the device It blew up and a group of mexicans but then they magically disappeared into
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Exploring Blogs
We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.
Friday, 3 March 2017
prefix not
This week we have been learning about prefixes. a prefix is a group of letters that go in front of a word to make another word. the prefixes that we are learning about all mean NOT. here is a display of four prefixes that mean not
Monday, 27 February 2017
Phonics prefix re
Last week in Phonics we have been learning about prefixes. A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word. When you add a Prefix it changes the word meaning. We worked on 're'-this means to do it again. this is my word tree
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