
Friday, 30 June 2017

division and multiplication DLO

In maths I have been learning multiplication strategies. I have learnt to solve multiplication problems using five times table. When you are stuck on a maths question do this. For example if I am stuck on 8X6 I would split the six into a five so 8X5=40 then you do 8X1 and that equals 8 so if you put 40 and 8 together it makes 48 so that means 8X6=48 because if you add the 1 to the 5 it makes 6. We also learned about division and how to solve them. For example 56 Divided by 7. So what you do is you split 56 into two numbers 35 and 21 then you put in what times table you used to get those two number so for 35 I used 5 times and for 21 I used 3 times so if you add 5 and 3 it equals 8 so 56 divided by 7=8
 here is my work to explain this strategy.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Rotational symmetry

For the past two weeks we have been learning about rotational symmetry. rotational symmetry is when a object For example a fidget spinner has three parts when you spin it its always going to be the same so we were told to make shapes that had rotational symmetry (a fidget spinner) This is my work

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Antarctica descripton

For literacy we have been learning about Antarctica. We were told to write about Antarctica so we had to find facts about Antarctica. We started learning about Antarctica when we went on a trip to the Antarctic center to learn about explorers the weather and the animals that live in Antarctica. Then we were asked to choose a topic between Animals, explorers and weather and climate. Once we had chosen our topic we were told to write a story about Antarctica before we start on our topic. Here is my writing

1of 7 contenents, desert
Cold 25% bigger than europe
2x the size of  australia,
covered by snow has land underneath,
has 90% of worlds snow .
2500 meters (2.5 km) deep snow.
hard to live.
coldest place on earth.
Surrounded by water.
The south pole can be found there.
Doubles the size because of sea ice
White desert
I think that antarctica is a place that you should visit some day

Crisp,white and unwelcoming. Antarctica is considered a desert because it has no rain. It is also 1 of the 7 continents in the world.

Antarctica is 2 times the size of Australia and 25% bigger than Europe. It has some amazing landscape that will blow you away for example massive glaciers and crazy ice platforms that overhang the a white cloudland. Antarctica has an active volcano named Mount erebus, mount erebus first Formed in 1908 and the last eruption was in 2011. Mount erebus also had a plane crash in 1979. A DC-10 with 257 people on board crashed at mount erebus and killed all people on board. Antarctica has 90% of world snow which if you think about is really fascinating because that means that the rest of the world only has 10 percent of the world's fresh water. Antarctica also has 70% of the world's fresh water so If you melted the whole of antarctica the world would have more fre

growth mindset vs fixed mindset

During power time we have been learning about growth mindset. We watched a short video about Luke sky walker and Yoda lifting an x-wing out of the lake. Luke had a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is when a person does not believe and doesn't think they can do new challenges and will avoid new challenges. Yoda taught him how to have a Growth mindset. A growth mindset is a person who is ready to take on any challenge that is given to them. We talked what we could say to ourselves to change from a Fixed mindset to a growth mindset. There is my DLO.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

crayon dye weather art

this week we have been doing weather in literacy. since we were doing weather in literacy we were told to make some rainy day art we were shown a preview of what they expected ours to look like so we started to make ours with white crayon. we drew rain and puddles next we dyed our paper with a variety of blue, light blue and black. here is my piece of art.

Emperor penguin art

This week we have been making paintings our first one was the emperor penguin. we first started learning about Antarctic things when we took a trip to the antarctic center where we learned about Animals, the weather/climate and the explorers/history. then we were asked what topic we wanted to do and i choose animals. then  a few days later we were told to make an emperor penguin. They showed us a preview of what the expect then we started first we started by drawing it then the black pant, then orange then yellow then white

Thursday, 15 June 2017

screencastify place value maths

this week we have been learning about how to use place value to figure out a maths question. we were toldto make a screencastify and this is mine.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Antarctica emperor penguin writing

this week we have been writing about Antarctic animals. we first started learning about Antarctica when we went to the antarctic center to learn about the history and what happened at Antarctica. we went around most of the place looking at facts about animals, explorers and the weather. my favorite part was the snow room.

Emperor penguin
Biggest penguin, weights 30kg/66lbs height-115cm/3.8ft, breeding season April, December, Emperors breed in the depths of winter, 595,000 Emperors in world, eats Fish krill and squid predators leopard seals and killer whales, Emperors can age to 20yrs old,
Big white, yellow
I think that the emperor penguin is cute because of it's size. It makes it look so soft and cuddly

Emperor penguin
Emperors penguins live in Antarctica. they are a bird.

Emperors can grow up to 20 years old which is really crazy. Emperors have white belly's with a little bit of yellow/orange fur on the top with black all around. Emperors weigh 30kg/66lbs. they are 115cm tall/3.8ft that makes the Emperor the tallest penguin alive.

Emperors breed in the middle of winter. they must keep their babies warm other wise they will die. they would be too cold to survive and to young because they would not know any survival skills.

Emperors eat fish, krill and squid. The baby penguins feed on krill and squid. The population of Emperors are roughly around 595,000 emperors in the world.

Personally Emperor penguins are my favorite because they are unique and cool because of their height and their size compared to a human.