
Thursday, 30 November 2017


Today we played around with google forms to make a pick a path story. first we created a new form then we inserted an image and wrote a short story for our pick a path. After that we wrote down the options on what path to choose. then we created what the ending was and what the best ending was then we posted it on our blog

Friday, 24 November 2017

Alarm call

For this week we wrote about a picture of a green goblin thing and a cute white cat. First the teachers gathered us together to brainstorm some good describing words for the goblin and the cat. Then we wrote a hook for our story and we also write a paragraph. and lastly we wrote the other paragraph. here is my writing

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Minecraft skin

Today we played around with google sheets and created mine craft skins! I wasn't here at school when we did this but i'll try So mr maddren told us that google sheets can help with hard times table and impossible maths sums. Then he showed us that we could make mine craft skins if we make the squares smaller then he told us to search up a skin and try and make them. here is mine craft skin

Wednesday, 8 November 2017


Today we were told to make a blog post about robotics. If you dont know what robotics is its a LEGO thing with a brain and you need a computer to run it. Mrs Mcguinnety had a challenge board set up with 3 challenges 1: a straight course with tape to mark where your robot must stop Then challenge no.2 a straight then a turn right then left and straight then the hardest a small straight with a right turn
then left another straight then left and right then straight to the finish. The most challenging thing was the last one and the easiest one was the straight foward one. Here are some photos.